New Delhi/ Chandigarh, January 17-

Due to concerted efforts of the state government led by Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann, the Ambassadors of the various countries on Wednesday evinced keen interest in making huge investments in the state.

During the meetings with the Ambassadors, the Chief Minister showcased Punjab as a land of opportunities and invited them to encourage the companies of their respective countries to invest in the state. He said that companies will be immensely benefited by investing in the state, which is rapidly emerging as the industrial hub of the country. Bhagwant Singh Mann said that Punjab has complete communal harmony, peace and amity, which are mainly responsible for overall development and prosperity in the state.

The Chief Minister said that the foreign companies should make optimum use of this congenial atmosphere backed by excellent infrastructure, power, skilled human resources and best industrial and work culture to spread their business. Extending a red carpet welcome to the companies, he said that the state government was always open for new ideas and innovations to boost up the industrial growth in Punjab. Bhagwant Singh Mann said that the day is not far away when Punjab will emerge as the industrial hub of the country.

In a meeting with Australian Ambassador Phillip Green, the Chief Minister underlined the need for mutual cooperation in varied fields to further boost economy of Australia as well as that of Punjab. He said that there is a huge potential of investment in agriculture, sports industry, cattle feed, education and others in Punjab. Bhagwant Singh Mann invited the Australian companies to invest in the state adding that it will be mutually beneficial for Australia and Punjab.

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